Advanced Diesel & Supply Inc

Diesel Fuel Injector Repair And Replacement Services Available

If you are looking for top-quality diesel fuel injectors and fuel injection pumps for your agricultural and industrial equipment, look no further than Advanced Diesel & Supply Inc. in Spokane, Washington! We provide repair, replacement, and rebuilding services for diesel fuel injectors and fuel injection pumps and have done since 1963. We take pride in the quality of our products, and you can be assured that we provide only the best in our shop.

Diesel Fuel Injector Repair And Replacement
Diesel Fuel Injection System Service

The Benefits Of A Regular Diesel Fuel Injection System Service

By properly maintaining your diesel fuel injection system service, you can expect better fuel mileage, lower risk of breakdowns, increased power, and reduced emissions. That is why it is vital that you stay up to date on the maintenance, replacement, or upgrades to your diesel fuel injection system. Should your diesel fuel injectors begin to fail, our shop can provide the repair, maintenance, and replacement services that will ensure your equipment is back to 100%.

The Signs That You're In Diesel Fuel Injectors Are Malfunctioning Include:

Give us a call today

If your diesel equipment is not functioning, our experts can carefully inspect your diesel fuel injectors to ensure that they are working properly. If they are not, we can provide a comprehensive repair or replacement that works within your budget. Call us today at (509) 316-0024 to schedule a consultation and estimate
Diesel Fuel Injector Inspection